Happy New Year, Sleeping heads. Are you as tired as I am? I mean, really, with everything that is happening in our world today, it’s no wonder that many of us have difficulty falling asleep. Add to this equation health problems, family routines, professional duties and other life stressors, well, getting lost in sleep is something we only dream about when we go to bed. My daughter, we need to find ways to sleep better!
Strange, isn’t it? The night seems so relaxing. The sun went down, the stars came out and that should trigger something in us that it’s time to relax. Well, doctors say that some of us need to rewire so that our body can resume its sleep cycle, which helps us sleep better. Apparently, our inability to catch zzzz is considered chronic if we have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep at least three nights a week for three months or more.
And we all have different sleep problems. Some of us have difficulty falling asleep and / or falling asleep. Others wake up at night and then have difficulty falling asleep again. TBH, insomnia in any form is zero. Everything that is spinning and spinning is not good for maintaining our body and mental health. In addition, a bad sleep can really affect our body performance-and this does not really suit me. My daughter, we’ve worked so hard to get this bootay into shape, and we’re bringing it up with our a-game, like this whole-body burn. We can’t let anything stop now (here’s another way to continue with my 30-day challenge)!
Umm, we really need to understand this crap and end these sleepless nights. It makes us grumpy and exhausting – seriously, people start hiding when we enter the room. Good news, girls. You can relax because we have discovered these six tips on how to sleep better that will help Mr. Sandman do his thang and allow you to catch some zzzz.
Is your sleep sanctuary as peaceful as possible? Otherwise, my daughter, you will have to get rid of everything that could stress you or make you sad and anxious. Think about it, would you revisit a place where you had a shitty experience? Probably not. So think about your bedroom in the same way and change everything that you can negatively associate with it so that you can’t wait to get back to your bedrooms, MA’am. Bring it with you: candles, scented oils, silk pillowcases, soft colors, blackout curtains and relaxing soundtracks-everything that you can remember while falling asleep.
Some experts say that this means giving up devices and activities that involve reading, streaming or scrolling in bed, and only lying down when you are really asleep–or dashing (winking). Oh and also, for God’s sake, get rid of the clock of your room. When you look at a clock, all you say is how long you’ve been awake.
Good sleep habits and routines are important if you want to learn to sleep better. If you want to get a good and constant sleep, experts say that you should change your habits to reset your circadian rhythm. I’m sorry, our what? Our circadian rhythm is our internal clock. Just like a clock, we have to reset it if it is out of sync. Take it out of your pocket at the same time in the morning. Each. Morning. Don’t be tempted to bask in these sheets–even if they’re made of silk (or if they’re too comfy to get out of your silk pajamas, like the ones we featured in our last-minute Christmas gift list.). Get up and look at them, soldier. Start your day.
During the day, you should include regular exercise in your diet (duh) and spend time outdoors. Daylight is the key to maintaining this circadian thing, so let the sun shine. Don’t get catapulted either! Change your environment if you feel that you are nodding to break the pattern. When the night comes, be sure to make a hard stop with work (I did mine at 18 o’clock. Watch my nightly routine videos on Youtube about how I calmed down with my nightly routine.) Then set an hour to tune in, and before that, avoid caffeine, alcohol and screens. Instead, pour yourself a large cup of soothing tea, such as chamomile, and immerse yourself in a warm bath. Feel this stress flying away! Aaaah.
Give yourself the opportunity to know your sleeping habits as the queen that you are. Start a sleep log to find out how many hours of real sleep you get. Seven to nine hours a night is ideal. Everything that is lower on a constant basis, and you expose yourself to a higher risk of health problems, including strokes, psychological stresses and heart issue. You can manually track when you go to bed and when you wake up, but be sure to take into account about 30 minutes of falling asleep.
By recording your sleep time, we can understand the problems that prevent us from falling asleep, and we can make changes and adjustments to improve sleep and our overall well-being. Use a diary like the one we have in our planner, which includes a healthy habits generator and an empty pedigree section to track your zzz. You can also try using your fitness watch to track your sleep, which measures a combination of your movements and your heart rate to track actual sleep.
Sleep is hard to find, especially if you struggle every day with the fact that you are not sleeping (hello, the vicious circle). Most people who suffer from insomnia stress themselves by passion about not sleeping. We can not throw ourselves into a frenzy when we try to relax! We need to cool our jets and prevent our minds from slipping. Whatever you do, don’t stay in bed in this mindset. Get out of bed for a spell, do light stretches, spend a few cat-cow repetitions, and then try again. NBD. Most importantly, give yourself a break. You got this. And there are professionals who spend their lives studying this stuff when they need a little help.
Breathing exercises are very useful for relieving tension in our muscle groups, which can make it easier to fall asleep. There are many breathing techniques that will help you relieve the stress of the day and relax your mind before you go to the hay — or when you wake up at 3 in the morning and can not fall asleep again. Mainly close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale. Some experts say that while breathing, you should slightly cover your ears with your hands or apply pressure over your eyebrows to relax even more.
Some ways we have found to sleep better seem counterintuitive. Can you believe that for some of us, complete silence prevents us from sleeping? Wait, what? Well, do you remember the time when you were on the beach and the waves hit you, or when the sound of rain allowed you to settle everything? The same concept. Constant noise can actually be soothing. Fortunately, you don’t have to throw away your raincoat in the middle of the night and go outside–get a household appliance that mimics this kind of nature sounds instead.
We hope that these tips will help you sleep better, and shuteye will be a little easier for you. We believe that you can use at least two of these strategies to fall asleep and that you are ready for the sunrise workout. Good trips to Dreamland queens, and we will see you when you wake up.